RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset

Processing Level2
Start/Stop Date2015-Apr-01 to Present
Short NameSMAP_RSS_L2_SSS_V5
DescriptionThe version 5.0 SMAP-SSS, level 2C product contains the fourth release of the validated sea surface salinity orbital/swath data from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory, and is produced operationally by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). The major changes in Version 5.0 from Version 4 are: (1) the addition of formal uncertainty estimates to all salinity retrieval products. (2) Sea-ice flagging and sea-ice side-lobe correction based on direct ingestion of AMSR-2 brightness temperature (TB) measurements. This is in contrast to Version 4 and earlier versions in which the sea-ice correction was based on an external sea-ice concentration product. The use of AMSR-2 TB measurements in the SMAP Version 5 products allows for salinity retrievals closer to the sea-ice edge and aids in the detection of large icebergs near the Antarctic. The SMAP-SSS L2C product includes data for a range of parameters: derived sea surface salinity (SSS) with SSS-uncertainty, brightness temperatures for each radiometer polarization, antenna temperatures, collocated wind speed, data and ancillary reference surface salinity data from HYCOM, rain rate, quality flags, and navigation data. Each data file covers one 98-minute orbit (15 files per day). Data begins on April 1,2015 and is ongoing. Observations are global in extent with an approximate spatial resolution of 40KM. Note that while a SSS 40KM variable is also included in the product, for most open ocean applications, the default SSS variable (70KM) is best used as they are significantly less noisy than the 40KM data. The SMAP satellite is in a near-polar orbit at an inclination of 98 degrees and an altitude of 685 km. It has an ascending node time of 6 pm and is sun-synchronous. With its 1000km swath, SMAP achieves global coverage in approximately 3 days, but has an exact orbit repeat cycle of 8 days. On board Instruments include a highly sensitive L-band radiometer operating at 1.41GHz and an L-band 1.26GHz radar sensor providing complementary active and passive sensing capabilities. Malfunction of the SMAP scatterometer on 7 July, 2015, has necessitated the use of collocated wind speed, primarily from WindSat, for the surface roughness correction required for the surface salinity retrieval.
Swath Width1000 km
Name: NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) (SMAP)
Orbit Period: 98.5 minutes
Inclination Angle: 98.0 degrees
Swath Width: 1000.0 kilometers
Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator.

ProjectSoil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP)
Data ProviderPublisher: Remote Sensing Systems (RSS)
Creator: Remote Sensing Systems (RSS)
Release Place: Remote Sensing Systems, 444 Tenth Street, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA
Release Date: 2022-Feb-25

Keyword(s)RssSmapSSSv5, V5, SMAP, SMAP-SSS, Soil Moisture Active Passive, salinity, polar, sun-synchronous, sss, psu, NASA, project, mission, RSS, Remote Sensing System, REMSS
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Spatial Resolution: 39000 Meters x 47000 Meters
Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily
Region: GLOBAL
North Bounding Coordinate: 90 degrees
South Bounding Coordinate: -90 degrees
West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees
East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees
Time Span: 2015-Apr-01 to Present
Swath Width: 1000 km
Projection Type: Swath
Ellipsoid: WGS 84
NameLong NameUnit
alphaScan angle: +90 is left of forward. +270 is right of
anc_sea_ice_flagancillary sea-ice detection indicator1
cellatLatitude of OI Earth grid celldegrees_north
cellonLongitude of OI Earth grid celldegrees_east
dtb_land_correctionTA land correction applied at TOA. Pol basis V,HKelvin
dtb_sea_ice_correctionTB sea-ice correction applied at TB SUR 0. Pol basis V,HKelvin
dtemp_antEmpirical correction to physical temperature of reflector. Pol basis V,HKelvin
eaaAzimuthal look angle relative to Northdegree
eiaEarth incidence angledegree
flandland fraction within footprint1
gallatLatitudinal (polar) angle of specular reflection ray in ECI2000degree
gallonLongitudinal (azimuthal) angle of specular reflection ray in ECI2000degree
gice_estestimated sea ice fraction weighted by antenna gain1
glandland fraction weighted by antenna gain1
iqc_flag32-bit quality control flag1
mongltMoon glint angledegree
praPolarization basis rotation angle (geometric part)degree
pratot_expExpected total polarization basis rotation angle: Faraday rotation (from external TEC) + geometricdegree
rainIMERG rain rate. Resampled to SMAP h-1
sea_ice_zonessea-ice contamination zones1
solar_fluxAncillary solar flux (from NOAA SWPC)1e-22 W m-2 Hz-1
sss_refReference sea surface salinity from HYCOM1e-3
sss_smapSMAP sea surface salinity smoothed to approx 70km resolution1e-3
sss_smap_40kmSMAP sea surface salinity at original 40km resolution1e-3
sss_smap_40km_unctotal formal uncertainty estimate of SMAP sea surface salinity at original 40km resolution1e-3
sss_smap_40km_unc_compformal uncertainty components of SMAP sea surface salinity at original 40km resolution1e-3
sss_smap_unctotal formal uncertainty estimate of SMAP sea surface salinity smoothed to approx 70km resolution1e-3
sss_smap_unc_compformal uncertainty components of SMAP sea surface salinity smoothed to approx 70km resolution1e-3
sun_alphaSun azimuth angle in S/C coordinate systemdegree
sun_betaSun zenith angle in S/C coordinate systemdegree
sungltSun glint angle. Negative value means that sun ray pierces the
surtepAncillary sea surface temperature (from CMC)Kelvin
ta_antunfiltered antenna temperature. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
ta_ant_calibratedAntenna temperature after correcting for emissive reflector and TND adjustment. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
ta_ant_expExpected (RTM) antenna temperature before any losses. This is to be compared with ta_ant_calibrated. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
ta_ant_filteredRFI filtered antenna temperature. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
ta_earthAntenna temperature after correcting for cold space, galaxy, sun, moon. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
ta_gal_dirTA of direct galaxy intrusion. Pol basis I,Q,S3Kelvin
ta_gal_refTA of reflected galaxy intrusion. Pol basis I,Q,S3Kelvin
ta_sun_dirTA of direct sun intrusion. Pol basis I,Q,S3Kelvin
ta_sun_refTA of reflected sun intrusion. Pol basis I,Q,S3Kelvin
tb_consistencysqrt(chi2) of MLE in SSS retrievalKelvin
tb_surBrightness temperature at rough ocean surface BEFORE applying roughness correction. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_sur0Brightness temperature at flat ocean surface AFTER applying roughness correction. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_sur0_expExpected (RTM) at flat ocean surface. SIC added. This is to be compared with tb_sur0, before SIC. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_sur0_sicBrightness temperature at flat ocean surface after applying roughness correction and sea-ice correction. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_toaBrightness temperature at top of atmosphere BEFORE applying land correction. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_toa_lcBrightness temperature at top of atmosphere AFTER applying land correction. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tb_toiBrightness temperature at top of ionosphere. Pol basis V,H,S3,S4Kelvin
tbdwAtmospheric downwelling brightness temperatureKelvin
tbupAtmospheric upwelling brightness temperatureKelvin
TECVertically integrated electron content between surface and S/C1e16 m-2
temp_antPhysical temperature of reflector from L1B files. Pol basis V,HKelvin
timeTime of observationseconds since 2000-1-1 0:0:0 0
tranTotal atmospheric transmittance1
windirAncillary wind direction relative to North (from NCEP, meteorological convention) that is used in surface roughness correctiondegree
winspdAncillary sea surface wind speed from CCMP NRT that is used in surface roughness correctionm s-1
zangOrbital position angle of S/C. 0 is South. 90 is equator ascending. 180 is North. 270 is equator
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). 2022. SMAP Sea Surface Salinity Products. Ver. 5.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference Meissner, T. and F. J. Wentz, 2018: Remote Sensing Sytems SMAP Ocean Surface Salinities, Version 4.0 validated release. Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, USA.


VersionDatasetVersion DateStatus
6.0RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V6.0 Validated Dataset2024-01-08ACTIVE2024-01-08T18:42:00.000Z
6.0RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity NRT V6.0 Validated Dataset2024-01-08ACTIVE2024-01-08T18:49:00.000Z
5.3RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V5.3 Evaluation Dataset2024-04-16COMPLETE2024-04-16T15:59:00.000Z
5.0RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset2022-07-19ACTIVE2022-07-19T17:30:00.000Z
4.0RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V4.0 Validated Dataset2021-09-01ACTIVE2021-09-01T15:58:00.000Z
3.0RSS SMAP Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity V3.0 40km Validated DatasetPresentRETIRED.
2.0RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V2.0 Validated Dataset2024-03-20RETIRED.2024-03-20T15:30:00.000Z